July 10 - July 16Good morning! Welcome to another This Week in USBP History! Today I want to highlight fellow USBP historian, Joseph Banco. I have given him a permanent section that he shares with the Border Patrol Museum near the bottom of these emails. I must admit, I'm not so sure I'd place myself on par with him. Joe is an absolute professional when it comes to researching and writing about USBP history. Whereas my blog and emails highlight a document, may have sub-bullets giving greater context, and provide a steady trickle of weekly USBP history... Joe has collected hundreds upon hundreds of documents and has used them to author the finest books on USBP history available, offing a vast ocean of information from the most reliable sources. If you haven't already, please visit and explore his website at - www.migrajoe.com and visit the Border Patrol Museum's Gift Shop to purchase his books. On to this week's blog! There are only six documents in this week's update. But one of them is pretty impactful to Border Patrol folklore concerning Jefferson Davis Milton. Also, I have listed the historic and modern locations of the Border Patrol Academy (make sure you click on the Camp Chigas link to see where the building would be located today). Finally, realizing the limits of my research, I am working to expand and incorporate other, quality sources of USBP history so that these weekly blogs and emails will include even more USBP events. Have a great week! Cliff PS -
Esprit de Corps The workplace climate resulting from a combination of organizational pride and employee morale.
Esprit de corps is reinforced through the shared goals, mission and values of the organization and its employees. The definition turns Esprit de Corps into a simple formula and defines parts that comprise organizational pride and employee morale. Esprit de Corps = Organizational Pride + Employee Morale Esprit de Corps is the key to a healthy organization and engaged employees. Honor First is foundational to the Border Patrol's organizational pride and integral to its Esprit de Corps. Documents/Events 1931
Newton-Azrak Award Action Anniversaries Follow this link to see examples of USBP employees Upholding Honor First.
1997 Guadalupe Chacon Senior Patrol Agent San Diego Sector Elizabeth M. Ebisuzaki Border Patrol Agent San Diego Sector On July 16, 1997, Senior Patrol Agent Guadalupe Chacon and Border Patrol Agent Elizabeth Ebisuzaki had initiated an immigration stop on a car. The car failed to yield and the pursuit was terminated. A few moments later, the vehicle was found on the shoulder of the road. As the agents pulled over, several people fled from the car into the heavy brush. After returning to the car with apprehensions, the agents noticed smoke coming from the engine compartment. They were then informed that there were four people locked in the trunk. Flames and acrid smoke quickly filled that passenger compartment. Agent Ebisuzaki attempted to fight the fire and open the trunk with a crowbar. Simultaneously, Agent Chacon was able to pry off the back seat and rescue the four from the trunk. USBP Fallen As of May 16, 2022, the U.S. Border Patrol has suffered 152* fallen. Titles:
The facts regarding each officer are presented without major editing of the "language of the day" found in the reports detailing the circumstances of each event. This is done to provide the reader an association with historical timeframes. Employees who died in the line of duty due to being exposed to deadly illnesses will not have the cause of death listed. *With the exception of two of the fallen immediately below, all names are listed (or in the process of being included) on the official Honor Roll of U.S. Border Patrol Fallen and inscribed on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. The U.S. Border Patrol should fix these discrepancies. HonorFirst.com honors both of the fallen.
David F. Roberson Date of Birth: January 9, 1941 Entered on Duty: April 11, 1966 Title: Air Operation Supervisor End of Watch: July 14, 1989 Details: On July 14, 1989, Pilot David F. Roberson departed the Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, Arizona, at 5:50 a.m., in Service aircraft N29162. Shortly after takeoff, he responded to a request for assistance in the Yuma freight yards where Border Patrol units were conducting freight train check operations. At 6:10 a.m., Pilot Roberson departed the freight yard area and proceeded south to County 23rd and Avenue 2E to assist ground units in working a trail of three aliens. Upon arrival, Pilot Roberson commenced “sign cutting” while maintaining radio contact with Senior Patrol Agent David Ramirez and Patrol Agent Rosendo Guillen, who were working in the immediate area on the trail. At 6:24 a.m., Pilot Roberson stalled the aircraft and crashed. The aircraft was destroyed by the impact and post-crash fire. Pilot Roberson died instantly. Gravesite 2020 Enrique J. Rositas, Jr. Date of Birth: June 3, 1967 Entered on Duty: September 8, 1997 Title: Border Patrol Agent End of Watch: July 11, 2020 Details: Border Patrol Agent Enrique Rositas Jr. passed away on July 11, 2020. The circumstances of his passing were reviewed by an executive panel and the CBP Commissioner who determined that this death occurred in the line of duty. Agent Rositas will be remembered for his diligent service to the nation and for his bravery in the face of danger. BPA Rositas was assigned to the McAllen Station, Rio Grande Valley Sector, where he served as a primary field training officer, collateral duty safety officer, certified ATV rider, a member of the Horse Patrol Unit, and vice-president of the McAllen Station Morale, Welfare and Recreation Association. He began his career with the United States Border Patrol on September 8, 1997 after serving nearly 12 years in the United States Air Force attaining the rank of staff sergeant. During his nearly 23-year career, BPA Rositas was known to many as "the very essence of what a USBP agent should be," and "was a loving husband and father who often spoke about his kids with such pride and joy." BPA Rositas is survived by his wife and two children. Gravesite
Clifford GillBlog author, retired U.S. Border Patrol Assistant Chief and, current U.S. Border Patrol employee advocate. Ray HarrisSite founder and owner, former Supervisory Border Patrol Agent and retired Immigration Special Agent. Joseph BancoU.S. Border Patrol historian and retired Deputy Chief Patrol Agent. Archives
January 2025
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