September 12 - September 181927
Newton-Azrak Award Actions
2017 Felix A. Ortiz Border Patrol Agent Blythe, California Rafael De Leon Border Patrol Agent Blythe, California Juan Zuniga Border Patrol Agent Blythe, California Alberto Lorona Border Patrol Agent Blythe, California Victor H. Herrera Border Patrol Agent Blythe, California Erik Herrera Border Patrol Agent Blythe, California Reyes Fimbres Border Patrol Agent - Intelligence Blythe, California Michael Rosamond Supervisory Border Patrol Agent Blythe, California On September 13, 2017, at approximately 1:20 a.m., Arizona's La Paz County Sheriff s Office called requesting assistance. The Arizona Department of Public Safety had a subject being held at gunpoint subsequent to a traffic stop on Interstate 10 westbound at Mile Marker 57 in Arizona. Shots were fired at the trooper by the driver of a vehicle, who then fled the scene. The trooper remained on scene with one subject at gunpoint, unable to initiate pursuit of the fleeing vehicle. Agents from the Blythe Integrated Targeting Team (ITT) responded to the call for assistance. Supervisory Border Patrol Agent Michael Rosamond assigned Blythe ITT agents to areas he believed the vehicle may be fleeing. Agent Rosamond witnessed a vehicle matching the description of the fleeing vehicle pass his position. Agent Rosamond tried to initiate a vehicle stop; Border Patol Agents Juan Zuniga and Felix Ortiz assisted as secondary/backup agents. The driver failed to yield. Then, the vehicle began to pull to the shoulder, then slow rolled to a stop, in the westbound lanes. As the subject rolled to a stop, the driver exited the vehicle, shooting at the agents approximately four to five times. While under fire and with their vehicle being struck by gunfire, Agent Zuniga was able to return two rounds of fire. The driver fled toward the eastbound lanes on foot and hijacked a big-rig. Agents Zuniga and Ortiz continued the pursuit of the big-rig; Agent Rosamond remained with the vehicle and the driver of the big-rig to secure the scene as evidence. As the driver was absconding in the hijacked big rig there was an exchange of gunfire with Border Patrol Agent Reyes Fimbres on the Exit 17 off-ramp. Blythe ITT Border Patrol Agents Victor Herrera, Erik Herrera, Juan Zuniga, and Felix Ortiz experienced a further exchange of gunfire with the subject on Main Street in Quartzsite, Arizona. At this time the subject was driving the big-rig in reckless regard for public safety, creating the potential of injury, death and significant property destruction. Blythe ITT agents Rafael De Leon and Alberto Lorona arrived on scene to assist. After the final exchange of gunfire, the subject was in custody. Agents rendered first aid on the scene and Emergency Medical Service responded shortly thereafter. Despite their life-saving efforts, the subject succumbed to his injuries while in route to the hospital.
Clifford GillBlog author, retired U.S. Border Patrol Assistant Chief and, current U.S. Border Patrol employee advocate. Ray HarrisSite founder and owner, former Supervisory Border Patrol Agent and retired Immigration Special Agent. Joseph BancoU.S. Border Patrol historian and retired Deputy Chief Patrol Agent. Archives
February 2025
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